It's been crazy here. We nearly bought a house and we are working on some small renos. I have been designing a few new things, "trying" to get some old things finished ( uggh). During all this, the old puter got sick, so I was out of commision for a bit. :O
I spent last week attempting to make a video tutorial ( what a learning curve THAT is!). I had hoped to post a tutorial this week that uses a really nifty little art program called Artweaver to colour flowers. The reason I like it is its a small download, it's FREE, and it resembles Painter in so many ways and has some similar tools to Photoshop. So if I taught a technique using this program, the skills could be easily transferred over to Painter or Photoshop. As soon as I have it done I will post it. ;)

Here is a card I made using an outline flower sheet I am still working on ( coloured with pencils). The background is my own using some flowery doodles. I coloured the backing scalloped frame and the ribbon with a Mark It marker. The bottom is cuttlebug embossed and the blue stripe is doodlebug glitter on double-sided tape.
Have a great day and I'll try not to be a stranger ;)