These are a work in progress. Here is a tile sample. The premise is to print between 8 and 12 of these tiles ( around 1.5 to 2 inches in size - this will be the size or your completed flower ). Cut along the lines, fold using basic squashed square fold. Cut around the petals. The folded-in parts kind of interlock together- assembled "tight" will take 8 tiles and you will have an inner circle of small petals and an outer layer of larger petals. Assemble and glue together. I generally use a teabag folding placement guide ( A circle outline with pie shaped wedges - different guides for different amounts of tiles for assembly).
EDIT: SEPT 19, 2007 - Please see this post for a printable tea bag folding guide. Thnx!
Here is a leaf. Resize, mirror, print, cut out to suit your needs :)

Here is a card sample. The flower medallion is actually 2 6-tile medallions glued on top of each other. I also digitally painted the cardfront. The flower was outlined with a clear Sakura Stardust glitter pen. I LOVE this pen! The background flowers and edge were enhanced with Twinkling H2O's watercolour paints - but they don't scan well.
WANT MORE? If you do, I have several PRIVATE albums of more foldy flowers and backgrounds. But you have to WORK WORK WORK for it LOL. I'll send you an invite ( No Sharing Please!) if you leave a comment, AND send me a scan/link of/to your completed card or project using the Foldy Flower tile. Just send the scan/link to fred.she.said@removethisgmail.com ( please remove the "remove this") and I'll reply to your email with the invites. If you consent, I'd love to add your creation (and future one's!) to my webshots. I have more colours and variations and I am always adding more.
Again feedback and comments are always appreciated :)