These are a work in progress. Here is a tile sample. The premise is to print between 8 and 12 of these tiles ( around 1.5 to 2 inches in size - this will be the size or your completed flower ). Cut along the lines, fold using basic squashed square fold. Cut around the petals. The folded-in parts kind of interlock together- assembled "tight" will take 8 tiles and you will have an inner circle of small petals and an outer layer of larger petals. Assemble and glue together. I generally use a teabag folding placement guide ( A circle outline with pie shaped wedges - different guides for different amounts of tiles for assembly).
EDIT: SEPT 19, 2007 - Please see this post for a printable tea bag folding guide. Thnx!

Here is a leaf. Resize, mirror, print, cut out to suit your needs :)

Here is a card sample. The flower medallion is actually 2 6-tile medallions glued on top of each other. I also digitally painted the cardfront. The flower was outlined with a clear Sakura Stardust glitter pen. I LOVE this pen! The background flowers and edge were enhanced with Twinkling H2O's watercolour paints - but they don't scan well.
WANT MORE? If you do, I have several PRIVATE albums of more foldy flowers and backgrounds. But you have to WORK WORK WORK for it LOL. I'll send you an invite ( No Sharing Please!) if you leave a comment, AND send me a scan/link of/to your completed card or project using the Foldy Flower tile. Just send the scan/link to fred.she.said@removethisgmail.com ( please remove the "remove this") and I'll reply to your email with the invites. If you consent, I'd love to add your creation (and future one's!) to my webshots. I have more colours and variations and I am always adding more.
Again feedback and comments are always appreciated :)
I love your flowers, and looking forward to more.
Hi. Just found you thru Circle of Crafters and love the colours you use for your tiles. Thank you for the gift. Barb
Hi, I to found this site through circle of crafters. Love your medallions and foldy flowers. Going to check out what else is on your site.
Kay (kj)coc
I am fascinated by the foldy flowers being displayed on the Circle of Crafters,and cannot wait to try and make one. hope your count is near the 5oo mark...Yvonne
Found you through Circle of Crafters. Love this foldy flower! What a great idea! Had no trouble making it from your instructions.
All your work is beautiful.
Thank you so much!
Sandy S.
I also found your site through Circle of Crafters. Really love the fresh feel of your art work! Thank you for sharing it with us. ;-)
Your work is amazing. I'm so happy I stumbled across your site. You've inspired me. Please keep up the great work.
love these foldy flowers - have sent a pic of my efforts...
New to this! Really enjoying takes my mind off the pain I have with MS!
love your colous and would like some more if possible....
Wow what a wonderful website, I adore your foldy flower tile and envisage using it on lots of my projects. I would love more of your creations.
I was referred to your website via Crafters Companion forum in the UK, we had to use one of your foldy flowers as our challenge. Will send you a picture of my creations.
Christine xx
these flowers are awesome! i didn't concentrate on the folding technique u showed here, but i'm gonna try it next. would love to see more colours! :)
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